- Rhizomatiks Architecture
- Rhizomatiks Architecture - Media Ambition Tokyo 2016 SPACE EXPERIMENT
February 2016
Media Ambition Tokyo 2016 SPACE EXPERIMENT
Rhizomatiks Architecture
Rhizomatiks Architecture created a series of installations that explore the possibilities posed by technology vis-à-vis space. Corporeal architecture has often been advocated over the years, yet we feel that it’s now necessary to once more study the possibilities of corporeal architecture utilizing contemporary technology. The time has come for Rhizomatiks Architecture to explore mediums of spatial expression that have only now become possible. We drew on the three themes, View/Visual/Sound, as guides to explore the relationships between space and the body, as well as space and media.
Space Experiment []#001, 002, 003
- Created by Rhizomatiks Architecture
- Idea / Space Design /Creative Director : Seiichi Sato (Rhizomatiks)
- Architect : Tatsuya Motoki (Rhizomatiks), Takahito Hosono (Rhizomatiks)
- Device : Youichi Sakamoto, Hideaki Tai (Rhizomatiks)
Space Experiment []#002
- Supported by Intel Compute Stick
- Art / Technical Director : Jun Fujiwara
- Programmer : Yoshimori Yoshikawa
Space Experiment []#003:
- Concept / Voice : Miyu Hosoi (Qosmo)
- Sound Engineer : Mitsuru Tajika
- Sound Director : Taeji Sawai (Qosmo)
- Sensor Programmer : Hirofumi Tsukamoto (Rhizomatiks)
- AXYZSHIBUYA CASTApril 2017Installation
- 3,776:the digital anatomy, Dissecting Mount FujiRhizomatiks ArchitectureApril 2017Installation
- 3D City Experience Lab.Rhizomatiks Architecture ☓ WIRED.jp ☓ METIMarch 2017R&D
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